Lisa Marree

Wholistic Business & Leadership Mentor

Intuitive Mentor

Neuro Medical Scientist | Quantum Trainer

Are you ready to Activate & Upgrade your Magnetic Energy to Attract Ready to Pay Clients?

It's time to shift gears from

feeling stressed and stuck

in your beautiful business.

Do you need to find your voice,

be seen and have a clear plan

to fill your calendar &

bank account in 2024?







Class Starts Tuesday 19th March Australian / Mon 18th March EST

4 Weeks of ACTIVATION, Immersion,

Connection & Personalised Mentoring

What is the main difference between Heart-Centred women entrepreneurs who are smashing their goals and those

who struggling to be noticed?


It's time to STOP leaking energy to the wrong clients,

misaligned projects, or chasing opportunities that are not meant to be.
Show up as the True You & Grow Your Sales!


Dedicated women, just like you, have invested heart and money into many different programs, to learn social media strategy, how to improve your marketing, create better copy for your landing pages and emails, build funnels and online programs and create webinars, launch a masterclass or challenge... ahhhhh... I FEEL YOU... I'VE BEEN THERE!!

But no matter how much you try, implement and follow through, you just can't get the results you expected. Let down, you hide in your business, your mind goes blank again, confused with what to focus on, you remain overwhelmed with technology and feel like you're stuck in quick sand, trying to figure it out on your own.

Other women doing the same courses are knocking it out of the park, so the "systems" do seem to work.

Why not you?

Most likely, there is a lot of underlying energy that is getting in your way.

And it's not your fault if you are NOT aware!

Our beliefs are a by product of our childhood programming, and earlier.

As you look for answers, you start to learn there are many universal forces at play, that have you stuck in fear and scarcity.

The result... you cannot move forward, even though you have desire deep in your soul to step into your purpose.

The reality... the energetic blocks are what is making everything so difficult.

When you identify and blast through these blocks and it becomes
easier to take action, and it FEEEELS SOOOO GOOOD!

Focusing on what you want becomes natural and effortless.

Imagine what your business looks like when your ENERGY is flowing and your confidence expands.

This 4 Weeks is just the tip of the Energy Activation iceberg.

I deep dive into the CEO-Level Mindset required to have both strategy and the BIG Vision of your Soul's purpose to literally become a powerful manifester in your business.

It's Fun, Interactive and POWERFUL way to regulate your Nervous System also for maximum magnetism & Client Attraction.

You feel so clear to focus on the best projects right now, because your energy is turned on aligned with your purpose.

IMAGINE>>>> Gaining momentum for a BIG start to 2024 so you start to fill your calendar and your bank account!!

This is your untethered truth, it's ease and flow and becomes your business SuperPower.

"I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for this

amazing class and your uplifting vibe Lisa ...

I had so many ‘AHA’ moments in this transformational program.

You are amazing, captivating & inspirational. Thank you." Tracie AUS

>> ACTIVATE<< Total Value - $5555 USD

4 Week Group Immersion

Class Starts Tuesday 19th March Australian

EARLY BIRD Investment Today

$677 USD - Pay in FULL

or 2 Payments $355 USD

Early Bird Pricing Ends Sunday 17th March

Regular Price $1111 USD

40% Savings!


4 Powerful Weekly Energy ACTIVATION sessions, we'll use multiple energetic processes to clear blockages and expand your energy field, super charging your day, so you'll be on fire and ready to create magnetic content and share your offers and what you do, with ease! This has a powerful cumulative effect for years to come!

CEO-Level Mindset on strategic mapping your business, boundaries, communication, courage, alignment, collaboration... basically putting on your CEO pants and stepping into your authority and leadership to take your business and income to the next level...

Upleveling your Heart Centred Brand, Strategy & Client Attraction methods, Offers, Content Creation, Repurposing for maximum social presence & authority

Weekly LIVE Q & A opportunities of whatever emerges for the group with inspired audios in Telegram to answer of a group level for all to benefit

Delivery method - ZOOM, Telegram Group, Course Portal


3 x 30 minute Zoom sessions (for accountability / strategy / feedback / Q & A

Unlimited Private access to 1:1 message in Telegram

Early Bird $2222 USD ($3333 USD)

Early Bird Payment Plan 2 x $1222 USD ($1777 USD)

BIG SHIFTS can happen if you are prepared to surrender to the process, allow to feel ALL the feels, even the messy ones, and listen to your Inner Guidance System.

This space will be intimate and you get REAL answers from me backed by 20 years as an entrepreneur, having experienced the good, the bad and the ugly!

My Intention is for this to be a POWERFUL activator designed to expand and elevate you beyond what you believe is possible for yourself right now.


Say YES to Breaking Barriers & release common patters like:

* Fear of judgement for not being good enough

* Confusion, overwhelm & shame

* Money Worries, guilt around charging your worth

* Distraction & Procrastination

You're encouraged to listen to the energy clearings over and over again to go deeper with the releases over time.

​The recommended 4 week pace creates a momentum, and the cumulative effects of the energy clearings allows you to feel lighter, more confident, focused and most of all.. Irresistible to ideal clients

"What Lisa teaches is so powerful and such a game changer for people wanting to stand out online. Lisa is able to simplify the complexities of the mental & energetic roadblocks we have to showing up online and support people with the stepping stones to get out of their own way.

I highly recommend her training" Sarah NZ

Hi, I'm Lisa....

Holistic Business & Leadership Coach

Intuitive Mentor,

Neuro Scientist & Quantum Trainer

Lisa helps heart-centred female entrepreneurs gain clarity, confidence and laser focus...

to ACTIVATE their quantum ENERGY

to trust their inner 'knowing'

so they can bring their beautiful

million dollar ideas to life and

scale to their next level in business,

doing what they love with fun & ease.

She works with clients from around the world to go from start up, to building 6 figure business structures by standing out confidently online using the power of energetics, magnetic marketing, and self leadership to make big money & big impact.

Overcoming abuse, trauma & tragedy, Lisa has turned pain into power and is highly intuitive having worked with energy, metaphysics and meditation since she was 14.

Her skills range from Military Service, Medical Scientist, 20 years as multi 6 figure Holistic Health Practitioner & High Performance Business Coach, Neuroscience & Quantum Trainer, Speaker and

2 x#1 International Best Selling Co-Author "Rattled Awake Volumes 3 & 5".

Lisa is on a mission to teach 1 Million women entrepreneurs around the world to ACTIVATE their quantum ENERGY, believe in their magic and multiply their income while creating powerful collaborations and

giving back to the planet.


Love Lisa x

"I LOVE meeting my clients! Mentoring is such a personal experience and it's important to me to add Heart & Soul to a potentially Life Transforming journey"

What Clients Are Saying...

"I was ready to make a change, but struggled to find and effective way to move forward. I met Lisa and my life has transformed. "

Ange W. AUS

"After working with Lisa for the past month, I can honestly say I am a different person. I am a far greater version of myself.

Imagine what my future holds now! I cannot recommend Lisa and her program enough. My only regret, is that I didn't join her sooner."

Rachael R. Aus

This is a multi faceted program


Elevate Your Business to

Quantum Levels in 2024!

Starts 18th March EST /19th AUstralian

EARLY BIRD Investment

Today$677 USD - Pay in FULL

or 2 Payments $355 USD

Early Bird Pricing Ends Sunday 17th March AEST

Regular Price $1111 USD


Life Changing value...

Here's What's Inside

Your Portal & Private Telegram Group



  • 4 Weeks Immersion Coaching with Lisa directly via Telegram Group based around the ACTIVATE program.

  • 4 Sessions Energy Release & Activation - The cumulative effects of these activations is the foundation of the Transformation.
    You'll receive teachings and energy clearings to release the biggest energetic blocks that hold entrepreneurs back.

  • Heart Centred Client Attraction Insights, Strategies & Branding

  • Weekly Action Steps for growing confidence & visibility while expanding your soul

  • 4 LIVE Q & A with Lisa

  • RECORDINGS - Download the recordings to continue the benefits of sessions for months and years to come (equals multiplied uplevelling for you and your income!).

  • BONUS #1: INTERACTIVE Workbooks - each Lesson has interactive docs & pdfs where you'll track your progress and transformation.

  • BONUS #2: 7 MONEY MAKING ACTIVITES WITH HEART Guidebook- Marketing from your heart and soul is a beautiful Energetic Transfer that your ideal client is waiting for.

  • BONUS #3: GUIDED JOURNAL FOR YOUR BEST YEAR EVER - Interactive 12 month journal specifically designed for YOU, the Heart-Centred Entrepreneur to map and track your Purpose Passion & Power.

  • BONUS #4: CONFIDENCE & SELF ESTEEM Guided Sleep Meditation - a beautiful release & activation meditation to work on your subconscious mind while you sleep.


Some More Client Experiences...

What Makes this Program Different?

Private Coaching to start...

I am a disrupter to old stories, behaviours, and limiting beliefs.

This program is more than a copy and paste Marketing and Mindset course. You have my heart and solid intention of truly helping you EMPOWER YOUR BUSINESS & LIFE. It's a Neuroscience fact that can be applied.

No matter where you are at, the information in this program can help you if APPLIED. I am qualified to say this because I have survived many physical & emotional traumas and tragedies to go on a build a multiple 6 figure business

I have a LOT of credentials, BUT the real secret sauce is in my life experience built into this program.

I want you to feel the Joy & Freedom as a Confident Business Woman

I have learnt directly from the best world renown thought leaders of REINVENTION like Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Esther Hicks, Dr Joe Dispenza.

I have compressed my life’s work into components of this course, it’s not a Coaching Course I took and decided to deliver you a cookie cutter version to make money. The surge of people pouring into the online coaching world is exponential, many without LIFE experience.

The real difference is together we go deep, very deep layers of your past and present obstacles, workshopping through them and creating new solutions. We unravel the identity you are attached to, the stories, the limiting beliefs and reveal the real YOU. It’s confronting, but it will set you free!

This is a practical and easy to implement course that gives you everything you need to start a enjoying a stress reduced, Confident & Courageous Business TODAY.

Get ready to meet the new, relaxed, happy, strong, confident version you have the power to be.


4 Week Energy & Client Attraction Accelerator" for?

Who it's For:

  • Those driven to constantly UPGRADE Life & Business

  • Those taking 100% responsibility & let go of the victim life

  • Those who commit to do the work required to re-invent a new life

  • Those knowing there will be highs and lows as part of growth

Who it's NOT for:

  • Those looking for a quick fix ... it's taken years to become YOU

  • Those who point the finger at others for where your life is

  • Those who are not ready to make space in their life to do the work

  • Those who are not ready to get uncomfortable to grow

Your Questions.... answered

I don’t have much spare time

Yes that is a common situation. This program has been structured to allow you to  get more time back in your life. Prepare to invest at least 30 min per day for you to get the best benefit. The key to transforming your life and business is to consistently make small steps of progress. You can submit any questions to Lisa Marree at and also leave comments in Telegram app for Lisa as you progress through the week.

This is a high level immersion course, so you must be prepared to commit time for your energy release and expansion.

I have tried other programs that promise your kind of transformation and it didn’t work.

There are so many variables and reasons why transformational courses do not work for people. The number one reason is they may not have been connected to the right transformational information. There are not many courses that focus on subconsciously reprogramming the brain using progressive meditation techniques. . The second reason is people don't put in the work required to totally reinvent themselves. You have to become a different person with a different mindset and a different set of habits. Most people do not change their intrinsic thinking feeling loop habit. 

I find a 1:1 Mentorship is very different to group training or self paced courses with no support.

Do You offer refunds?

I do not offer refunds on this product! By enrolling in life transformation programs and accessing all of the accompanying products and coaching and information you are committing to doing the work for a life & business transformation. I do not promise business or life changing results. This program is voluntary and individual results may vary. If you don't want to do the work to transform your life I suggest please do not enrol.

How long do I have access to the program?

Lifetime Access to the Telegram app and course portal unless forces beyond my control happen.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes. Note the 2 payments are required on the due dates,

First payment upon entry into the program

Second payment 14 days later

Copyright @ Lisa Marree 2024